Master Cleanse Diet Recipes – Keep It Simple

The recipe for the Master Cleanse Diet is not complicated at all. The popular and highly successful diet and cleansing program consists of only four ingredients, one of which is water. This diet is also known as the Lemonade Diet, the Maple Syrup Diet, and the Cayenne Pepper Diet. You know what’s in it, don’t you?

Yes, that’s right. The ingredients are fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. The exact proportions will vary depending on whether you want to make one glass at a time or a whole jug, but I’ll show you both recipes later in this article.

Here’s the basic idea behind the diet: you will be eating a strict liquid diet for 10 days. During this time, you will drink the cleansing mix as your “meal” throughout the day. It is also very important that you drink plenty of water. This is a mistake that many people make. They think that just having water in their lemonade is enough, but it is not. Drink water while cleansing.

It is also very important to check with your doctor to see if you can follow this diet and cleansing program. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice, so please be sure to ask someone who knows you and is qualified to give you advice.

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t make it through the 10-day program the first time. Failure is common. It may not seem so difficult when you sit down to talk about it, but those who have had to follow a strict liquid diet before, such as for medical procedures, will testify that it is not easy.

If you set a start date a few days to a week in advance, you will have plenty of time to prepare yourself. You can also make some changes in your diet to help you feel better during this time. If you normally eat a diet high in protein and carbohydrates, you can reduce your calorie intake a little before the cleanse to lessen the burden on your body.

Here is a recipe for one serving.

1/2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, organic maple syrup 1/16 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper, 8 ounces of water.

Here’s the recipe for making a jug full, ready to use when you want it.

12 tablespoons fresh lemon juice and organic maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder, 60 ounces water.

Whether you mix it in a glass or a pitcher, the Master Cleanse diet recipe is very simple and easy to follow. By following this liquid-only diet for 10 days and drinking plenty of water, you can eliminate all unsightly toxins from your body and get rid of up to 20 pounds of unsightly body fat. Just be sure to consult your doctor before starting.


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