DEXA body scan is an advanced method of finding the possibility of having risk factors related to body composition.
This method provides the detailing related to extra adipose tissue and muscle distribution in the body. It provides how much fat content is necessary to maintain the body’s normal homeostasis.
Additionally, the method is helpful for those people who are obese and need to know how much tissue is required to be in a healthy zone. This method helps in a weight loss journey and reduces possible risks due to excessive fat.
DEXA body scans are used to determine Body composition in Katy. With this information, you can get precise details of your body composition, including bone density, muscle mass, and fat composition.
Body composition measurement.
Body composition is a ratio of fat tissue to lean tissue. Increased fat tissue increases the chances of various diseases. DEXA body scan gives information that a weighing scale cannot provide.
Body composition includes:
- Bone density: this scan informs the patient about the bone density and chance for diseases like osteoporosis or osteopenia.
- Muscle mass: the scan provides information about muscle mass in the body. Having a more significant proportion of muscle mass is healthy. This scan also provides information about the symmetry of the left and right sides of the body. Some people have excess muscle mass, and their body mass index is greater than 30. Such patients are misdiagnosed as overweight, whereas they have an excess of muscle mass, which is healthy. This information can be provided with the help of a DEXA scan.
- Fat composition: this scan also informs the patient about the body’s fat percentage and where the fat is being stored. Every human body stores fat in its way, some store fat in the chest while some in their belly. Having an average weight and having a high amount of fat in the midsection could indicate that the person is at high risk of chronic diseases.
What happens during a DEXA scan?
This test is not painful at all, the patient lies down still on a table, and a scanner runs across the patient. The scanner emits X-rays to pass through the body, and the scan is completed in 10-15 minutes.
Before the test, patients are advised not to take calcium or vitamin D supplements, as these can alter the actual results of the scan and can lead to misdiagnosis.
Results of a DEXA:
- A score of -1 or above indicates average bone density.
- A score between -1 and -2.5 indicates low bone density or osteopenia.
- A score below -2.5 indicates osteoporosis.