Back Pain: All You Need to Know

This year around 60 percent of the population is suffering from back pain. The severity varies based on an individual’s sensitivity. Many factors contribute to the causes of back pain. A sedentary lifestyle or bad posture contributes to more than half of the cases, whereas other health conditions are related.

Back pain can disrupt your life. Whether you have long-term back pain that affects your daily life, or just a nagging ache from sitting too long, you need to see a Jersey City back pain specialist. They can conduct a diagnosis to determine the specific cause of your back pain and recommend the proper treatment.

Here is some more information on back pain.

Causes of Back Pain

There is no one specific reason for back pain. There are some common causes of excruciating pain, such as injury, muscle strain, and low bone density. Other reasons include:

  • Stress and poor posture
  • Spine aging process
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of physical activity

Arthritis or cancer may also lead to back pain if the bones are affected.

Diagnosis of Back Pain

If you are experiencing back pain, first determine the severity of your pain. If it’s an emergency, contact 911 or go to the hospital right away. For other cases, contact a general physician or chiropractor for an evaluation and diagnosis. They can ask about factors that may have caused your pain, and conduct a full-body exam to identify the location of the problem. It is also possible that they will recommend further testing.

Different tests include X-rays, CT scans, blood tests, MRI scans, and physical examinations. Your condition may require surgery or some therapeutic medications to alleviate symptoms.

Symptoms of Back Pain

The most common types of back pain are acute and chronic pain. You may experience the following:

  • Swelling around the affected area
  • Increased skin temperature near the affected area
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in hands, legs, feet, or toes due to nerve compression
  • Muscle spasms that keep you from walking or moving your leg

If you have one or more of these symptoms it is time to see a back pain specialist. The treatment will depend on where the pain is located and its severity.

Treatment Options

If you are having back pain, get treatment as soon as possible. Waiting for a few weeks can make the pain chronic and more difficult to treat. Initial treatments may include over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You should also rest and avoid lifting or straining your back muscles. Taking hot showers or baths may also help you relax.

If the pain continues, schedule an appointment with a back pain specialist. They can do adjustments and manipulations to relieve muscle strain or joint stiffness. 

You may be prescribed therapeutic exercises to strengthen your spine muscles. Physical therapy is also another option if the doctor prescribes it.

You may need surgery if the pain persists and all other treatments don’t work. Surgery will also be considered if you have a severe spinal disc herniation or fracture that can damage your nerves.

The bottom line is that back pain is one of the most common health conditions that people suffer from. It can result from poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, spine aging, and more. Symptoms include swelling, numbness, and muscle spasms. Treatments may range from pain medications and physical therapy to surgery.


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