What is a Sinus Lift? Why Would You Need it?

Dental implants are a productive solution to missing teeth. However, you need to have good oral health and enough space in your jaw for support. Unfortunately, when you do not have adequate space for the implants in your jaw, you may need a sinus lift.

If this is your case, you are at the right place, for Encino sinus lift specialists are here to help you. Dental health mainly involves oral hygiene, but there is more to it, which Sargon Dental is here to offer. Contact them today to find solutions for your dental health issues.

What is a sinus lift?

It is an oral surgical procedure to put more mass onto the upper jawbone.

Sinuses are the hollow areas after your cheeks and over the upper mouth part. Losing teeth in this space leaves behind a thin layer of bone. There is a need for more space in your jaw for a successful dental implant.

Usually, a bone graft helps add a new bone, but you also need more area in your jaw. It is where a sinus lift comes in. Dr. Lazarof of Sargon Dental uses surgical means to lift your sinus and generate more space to hold up the bone graft in your upper jaw.

The dental implant treatment usually begins after your mouth has healed.

Why do you need a sinus lift?

Well, the treatment is not for everyone, but you are likely to have it, if;

  • You have one or more missing teeth in your upper jaw
  • You are looking to get dental implants
  • You have several missing teeth resulting from a genetic abnormality
  • You have a missing bone at the back of your jaw

Dr. Lazarof examines your oral health and discusses your treatment goals to design a personalized plan to meet your needs.

How does a sinus lift work?

A sinus lift is an outpatient procedure performed at the office of Dr. Lazarof. The treatment begins by administering sedation dentistry to enhance comfort and calmness during the procedure. After the anesthesia starts working, he lifts the membrane upward to make room for the bone grafting material.

Dr. Lazarof then implants the bone graft after raising the sinus. He also encloses the graft in a membrane to lower the risk of infection. The procedure goes for about 90 to 120 minutes, where he provides a list of instructions to help with recovery.

What to expect during recovery?

The new bone tissues start to grow a few weeks to months after your procedure. Dr. Lazarof gives some instructions to enhance faster healing and easy recovery. They include

  • Stay away from things that exert pressure on the sinuses
  • No drinking through straws
  • Avoid rinsing or spitting
  • No blowing your nose for not less than four weeks
  • Keep off the wound when biting or chewing

Dr. Lazarof advises following the instructions carefully. He is also available for any questions or concerns during recovery.

If you require a dental implant, you may need to undergo a sinus lift procedure to add more space to your upper jaw. Call Sargon Dental today to find out if you need a sinus lift.


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