Are You Worried About Your Infant’s Oral Health?

Having a newly born baby is one of the most beautiful moments for parents and families. You, as a parent, would want the best for your child’s health. While a newly born does not have any teeth, it is still important to pay attention to oral health. This reduces the chances of cavities later on, and starting the day they are born is better. 

Dental care for a baby does not have to be complicated. It could be as simple as cleaning their gums with plain water. Even a little bit of effort helps. If you believe your baby needs Aurora dental cleaning, visit a dentist today. You do not want to delay treatment and cause them more pain. 

Here’s how you can take care of your baby’s oral health 

  • Cleaning the gums. 

Since babies do not usually have teeth when they are born, oral hygiene for infants begins with cleaning their gums. Do not use a toothbrush, as your baby’s gums are still sensitive, and the bristles may be too harsh on them. Take a clean and damp washcloth, wrap it around your finger, and rub the gums to clean food particles off. 

  • Use a soft toothbrush. 

When your child’s teeth start coming in, you should immediately start using a toothbrush. However, make sure you buy a small, soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid hurting your sensitive teeth and gums. Brush their teeth along the rows of the teeth against the gum line. Avoid brushing back and forth, as it can hurt the child. Instead, brush slowly in a circular motion. 

You do not want to make the experience bad for your child, or they won’t be encouraged to do it themselves as they grow up. 

  • Be careful of what goes into their mouth. 

One way to ensure your baby’s oral health remains intact is to be careful about what they put in their mouths. Bacteria can reach places in ways you would not even imagine. Crawling babies are on all fours several times during the day, so their hands have all kinds of germs on them. When they put their fingers in their mouth, it can spread bacteria to their teeth and cause infections. 

Therefore, be careful of where your baby goes and what they touch. To reduce the spread of bacteria, avoid using the same utensils or toothbrushes for them that you use for yourself. Rinse your baby’s mouth at least thrice throughout the day. 

Take your baby to a dentist in Aurora if you believe they need oral care. 


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