With so much information related to staying healthy, you might not know where to begin as you head toward your journey to wellness. Among everything you might have read online, taking supplements from brands like Pure Encapsulations at Supplement First might have been one of the more popular topics. After all, millions of Americans take at least one supplement daily. That said, there may be a few questions running in your mind right now, including the possibility of overdosing on such supplements. Read on to find out!
Can You Take Too Many Supplements?
The short answer is, yes, there’s a possibility you can take too much of a nutrient, leading to different side effects. While nutrients aren’t likely to cause harm when consumed naturally through food, taking concentrated doses in supplement form can lead to negative health outcomes. Here are some of the side effects to be wary about.
Side Effects of Water-Soluble Vitamins
When you take water-soluble vitamins in excess, you may experience adverse side effects, some of which may pose a danger to your overall health. Such vitamins include vitamins B1, B2, B5, B7, and B12. While these vitamins do not have observable toxicity, some may interact with medications or blood test results, which is why it’s crucial to be careful when taking these supplements from brands like Designs for Health.
Other vitamins can also cause side effects such as gastrointestinal disturbances, impaired vision, high blood pressure, neurological symptoms, and more:
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin B3
– Vitamin B6
– Vitamin B9
Side Effects of Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body’s tissues, causing more harm if you take more than the recommended dosage in the long run. Vitamins A, D, and E can lead to dangerous side effects, including nausea, appetite, and weight loss, irregular heartbeat, interference with blood clotting, and more.
Is It Deadly?
Fortunately, it is extremely rare to die from overdosing on vitamins. However, there have been reported instances of death due to vitamin toxicity. One instance is hypervitaminosis A, which is caused when you take a large dose of vitamin A (over 200mg), which is over 10 times the recommended daily intake. The same goes for taking over 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily, which can cause hypercalcemia and death.
How to Take Vitamins Safely
Now that you know about the side effects of taking too much of certain nutrients, how can you safely take the vitamins and minerals you need?
It all starts with consuming a well-rounded diet. However, we understand that people may have certain nutrient deficiencies that require supplementation. When you do need to take supplements, make sure that you consume them responsibly and follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor and the manufacturer. It is also worth being familiar with the recommended daily amount of vitamins you need daily.
Wrapping It Up
Before you take any supplements, make sure you speak with your doctor so you can avoid any potential side effects.