When you’re planning or trying for a baby, multiple questions arise about how you can become pregnant readily. As you know, every couple wants to become parents, and they try everything to fulfill this wish. You will have to wait to get pregnant because it can take time. Women around 30 years old have a 20% chance of becoming pregnant each month. Maybe you’ll conceive within two or three months or perhaps within one year.
However, here we’re sharing some tips which may help you conceive quickly or improve your odds of pregnancy.
Visit your doctor for a preconception checkup
It would be best to get a preconception examination to ensure that your body is ready for carrying a baby. If your body has a mild defect can be resolved using medications. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions regarding conception. This meeting offers you an opportunity to clear everything about pregnancy.
Keep tracking your ovulation time
According to methylfolate.net “If you want to be pregnant quickly, you should keep an eye on your menstruation cycle. You need to know the frequency of your cycle. The length of this cycle varies from woman to woman.”
A woman has a regular cycle—her periods start the same number of days every month can easily predict when she will ovulate. It’s pretty much difficult to predict ovulation time if she has irregular periods—her period length differs every month.
While the ovary releases a mature egg known as ovulation, this happens almost two weeks before your periods start. Simply, if your cycle consists of 28 days, you’ll ovulate approximately 14 days, and 13-16 days are considered your fertile days. This period is referred to as your fertile window.
However, several methods are available that can help you to figure out your fertile days, such as;
- Ovulation-prediction kits
- Cervical mucus
- Basal body temperature
Get sex every other day during your fertile window
Some studies show that if you get a sex each day or every other day during the fertile window, you have the highest chances to conceive.
You know, after ovulation, the egg can survive only 12 to 24 hours; that duration is the right time to have sex and increases the odds of conceiving. Your partner’s sperm can survive 4 to 5 days inside your body.
You should use a fertility-friend lubricant that may help you to become pregnant. The lubricant you should avoid are:
- K-Y jelly
- Astroglide
- Olive oil
- Saliva
That can interfere with sperm mobility and viability.
You can use:
- Pre-seed
- Canola oil
- Mineral oil
That can’t impair sperm mobility and viability.
Stay in bed and relax after intercourse
After intercourse (sex), if you stand or go to the washroom, it may pull out sperm from your body. Therefore, you must stick to bed for at least 15 minutes right after intercourse. If you want to conceive, please try to keep yourself happy and relaxed.
Take prenatal vitamins
The doctor advised childbearing women to start taking folic acid supplements at least one month before trying to conceive. Folic acid may also help you become pregnant quickly. When you conceive, folic acid protects your baby and optimizes the development and growth of your growing angel. It also lowers the chances of your baby getting neural tube defects (NTDs). Therefore, you should try parental supplements.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle and balance your weight
You may know a healthy lifestyle also influences your marital status. Both man and woman health is a significant element for getting pregnant. You can receive a little baby quickly when you have the right weight. Being overweight will imbalance your hormone level, and your menstrual cycle will be affected. Consequently, your chances of getting pregnant are reduced. Similarly, true for men, their sperm count will be affected due to obesity.
Hence, you and your husband should avoid too much alcohol consumption, high doses of caffeine, poor diet, smoking, addictive medicines, etc.
Every woman wants to become a mother and live a happy life with her family. You know, becoming pregnant is a time taking process; you have to be patient. The above-described methods may help you to conceive quickly. If you’re above 36-years, see your doctor and follow her instructions. When you’re pregnant, visit your doctor every two months to ensure the proper nourishment of your baby.