The human brain is a complex system that performs thousands of processes daily. However, there are instances when you may experience life-threatening or complex scenarios that are not easy for you to solve. Other times emotional baggage may weigh heavily on you, and it affects your brain’s normal functioning. Such situations lead to psychological conditions, which have become a worldwide menace. Psychological problems have increased suicide cases, relationship hardships, instability in families, loss of work, and many other negative outcomes. However, if you are suffering from a psychological illness, there is hope for you. Psychological centers like the Greater Lowell Psychiatric Associates, LLC in North Chelmsford, MA, have instituted high-ranking psychiatrists who have years of training in the field and guarantee relief from your troubles. Some of the psychiatric issues to take to your qualified psychiatrist include depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD. Below is wider coverage of some of these issues and their treatments.
- Depression
The National Institute of Mental Health approximates that over 11 million American adults suffer from depression. The condition is accompanied by intense feelings of worthlessness, sadness, and hopelessness. Depression is normally brought about by traumatic experiences of abuse, drug and substance abuse, chronic illnesses, and family history of the condition. It can also be stimulated by a deficiency of nutrients or hormonal imbalance. Some of the indicators of the condition include self-harming behaviors, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fatigue, concentration problems, reduced appetite, low libido, and sleeping problems. Due to the diversity of the causative agents, your specialist will treat your depression depending on the underlying cause. Some common procedures, however, include lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral therapy, counseling, and antidepressant medication. A recent state-of-the-art solution to depression is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS. The technology activates neurotransmitters in your brain through magnetic pulses, which then regulate your mood. Neuronal activity is gradually readjusted after repeated treatments within a specified period.
- Anxiety
According to statistics, anxiety disorder affects up to 5.7 million adult Americans at any instance during their lifetime. Anxiety is characterized by overwhelming, persistent worry and nervousness, which is normally hard to control. Anxiety can affect you in different forms, which include panic attacks, specific phobias, social anxiety, and general anxiety disorder. When you have an anxiety disorder, it might get hard for you to perform your daily duties, keep up with social relationships, or even work. This is caused by the effects of the disorder, which include digestion problems, shortness of breath, increased heart rates, sleeping problems, restlessness, irritability, and excessive worry or fear. Treatment procedures are usually personalized but can include lifestyle changes, exposure therapy, counseling, and antidepressant medication.
The above psychological challenges have the potential to bring your life to a standstill or even drop your quality of life. Recent statistics show that many suicidal cases are a result of these psychological problems. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that whenever you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, seek qualified assistance immediately. The conditions are easily treatable but are also life-threatening if not handled in time.