There are many reasons as to why people get addicted to drugs and alcohol consumption. Drugs come in many types, there is LSD, weed, cocaine, nicotine, ecstasy etc. all of these drugs are incredibly potent and harmful if not taken in moderation. LSD can take a person into another world entirely and can even put them in a comma. Weed can make a person unable to move and lose their sense of self where they can be taken advantage of. Cocaine is a drug that can take the dopamine of your brain and use it excessively, it does not create new dopamine, just works with the existing one giving the brain the illusion that it is always feeling good and active. While nicotine makes the brain incredibly active and dehydrated due to overworking, this can make the person want to consume more nicotine to replace the used nicotine as this is the signal that the brain gives to nicotine consumer. Ecstasy is something that can make the pleasure points of the brain skyrocket and can make a person do acts that they might regret later on in their life. Drugs can be a good thing, but not using them without the doctor’s prescription is what can cause harm and damage to innocent people. Alcohol consumption on the other hand is widely available in beers, wine, and other forms of drinks, it can easily be taken excessively and one can get addicted to it easily.
Therefore, if you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and want to get treated, then go to a rehab center for drug and alcohol consumption and Get More Info there.
The question over here comes is that why do people get addicted to drugs and alcohol in the first place? Here is why:
Peer pressure.
This seems to be the main reason. There are many things that a person or a child, especially, does because of the pressure that is put upon them because of others. The child or the person tends to do that act just to win their validation and be accepted by them. This is absolutely wrong as there are high chances the child or the person might get addicted to the drugs in just one go.
Unfavorable company.
When someone is always surrounded by people that do drugs and drink alcohol, there are high chances that they will at some point be drinking excessive alcohol and take drugs that can harm their body. Hanging out with drug addicts and alcohol addicts can surely make a person that as well.
For temporary happiness.
People sometimes go through hardships that they never thought they would go through. They might fail in their exam or they might lose a loved one that was dear to them. This takes them into severe and deep depression which makes the person drink excessively or take drugs like weed and ecstasy to feel good about themselves, but that feel-good moment only lasts for several minutes but has dire consequences and can even take your life in the long run.
Simply due to curiosity.
Humans are naturally very curious and want to tinker with things. The curiosity to drugs and alcohol starts when someone sees a fictional character smoking or doing drugs in a movie or a TV show, some people even see their seniors at a high school do drugs which makes them want to at least try and see what all the fuss is about. What this does is that it leads to severe addiction and later a person has to go through a drug rehab center to cure this addiction, there is just no other way aside from choosing a rehab center so that you can live your life normally as you used to.