Reputable Anti-Aging Expert In New York

If you are in your 20s or 30s, you probably are not thinking about how your skin will look once you are older- that is the appeal of having a youthful appearance. However, the truth is that as you get older, your skin changes. With time, you may experience a loss of moisture in the future, leaving your skin feeling dry, or you may develop more apparent indications of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, drooping skin, and dark spots. By visiting Juvanni MedSpa®, you could benefit from the skills of Sofia Din, MD, a board-certified family integrative specialist, and medicine doctor. Dr. Din and his medical and aesthetic experts staff serve members of the Yonkers, New York Community. They aim to assist women and men live, play, work, and thrive for longer through skincare solutions, and cosmetic injectables such as microneedling, dermal fillers, and Botox®. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sofia Din in Yonkers, NYC, call the office or book online.

About Dr. Sofia Din

Board-certified Family Medicine physician, Dr. Sofia Din, has spent nearly two decades in New York providing Aesthetic Anti-Aging care, Geriatrics, and Primary Care. She is a Pakistani immigrant who has authored a book about the advantages of preventative anti-aging procedures. She also includes insights into her life as a single mom whilst running enterprises and keeping a career in medicine spanning continents, cultural and religious barriers.

Throughout her medical career, Dr. Sofia also spent six years as the Medical Director of a Nursing Home. In her book ‘Do We Really Need Botox – A Handbook of Anti-Aging,’ Dr. Din uncovers her dynamic hypothesis and theory are that aging is an illness in and of itself, causing cell malfunction and ultimately manifesting problems such as dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and many more.

Dr. Din’s study is grounded on observations of clients and patients from around the world. She wants to spark a discourse regarding disease-free aging by implementing anti-aging treatments and protocols that she believes individuals should begin as soon as feasible.

In addition, she established Hagar’s Foundation for Single Mothers. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to improving the economic, physical, and psychological well-being of single mothers and their kids.

How Could You Benefit From Dr. Sofia Din’s Care?

Dr. Din’s work in anti-aging treatments and preventative procedures has transformed both the medical and beauty industries, as she works closely with patients to understand both their external and internal concerns. She provides an overarching concept as well as a comprehensive set of non-pharmaceutical treatments for proactively preventing, slowing, or mitigating the onset and signs of what she refers to as ‘aging syndrome.’

At Juvanni MedSpa®, patients can benefit from a full-suite of services under Dr. Din’s care. These include:

  • Anti-aging procedures and therapies
  • Skincare solutions
  • IV vitamin infusion
  • Personalized weight loss plans
  • Elective cosmetology
  • Addiction medicine
  • Medical marijuana treatments

Do you wish to reverse the signs of aging and would like to obtain professional care? Call Juvanni MedSpa® or use the online booking tool to arrange an appointment today. 


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