Rhinoplasty is a surgery that is done to change the shape of a patient’s nose. It can be done to help someone breathe better. Or, if you are unhappy with the shape of your nose, you can change it with the help of rhinoplasty.
When you consult a surgeon for rhinoplasty, they will take into consideration your other facial features as well. This may include the skin type on your nose and whatever alterations and changes you want. The upper portion of your nose consists of the bone and the lower portion consists of cartilage. Rhinoplasty surgery can change the skin, bone, or cartilage or the three of them.
Rhinoplasty is done to change the shape or size of your nose. This may be done in order to repair the deformities that may have formed after an injury such as an accident. This can also be done to correct any defects from birth or to improve breathing.
Rhinoplasty is not a simple surgery, as any complication can change the appearance of your face. It can make you look ugly with a single mistake. Therefore, always choose your surgeon after proper research.
Patients who are seeking rhinoplasty may wonder if your health insurance company will cover rhinoplasty cost. Well, this may depend on several factors such as reasons for getting the surgery. If one is getting rhinoplasty to change the exterior shape of their nose, solely for cosmetic purposes, then the insurance company may not cover up the rhinoplasty cost. If one is looking for rhinoplasty surgery for medical reasons, such as to get a better breathing passage, then the insurance may cover up half or complete rhinoplasty cost.
The nose is one of the most important features of a face. Any slight disproportionate appearance of the nose can ruin the whole face and makes you ugly. Rhinoplasty helps in solving this problem. It can fix the disproportionate nose and make your face look better. Following are some common requests people have:
- Narrowing the bridge of the nose
- Remove bumps on the nose bridge
- Narrow or widen the nostrils
- Reshaping the tip of the nose
- Fix a crooked nose
Sometimes, individuals have deformities from birth, or they have problems breathing. A medical rhinoplasty can help in fixing these medical problems. Some of the medical fixations needed are as follows:
- Deviations in the septum
- Birth deformities
- Injury or trauma in the nose
- Nasal inflammation because of allergy reactions
Rhinoplasty surgery can help with a lot of problems. It boosts confidence in an individual by making them feel better. It makes the face perfect and your ugly self, disappear. Rhinoplasty corrects your nose profile, straightens your crooked nose, narrows the nose bridge, corrects asymmetry, and reduces the volume of the nose, etc. There are many benefits of rhinoplasty and is definitely a great solution to fix your nose shape.