Young depressed man
It is a well-accepted fact that drug addiction hampers not only the individual who is administering it to himself, but it also stretches its vicious tendons to the family members of the addict. In most cases, drug addiction results in a breakdown of the family institution and divorce in marriages.
Another well-accepted fact is that children of dainty ages are bound to get affected due to the addiction of their parents. Since children are tender at a young age, if they witness drug abuse or abusive parenting, it will have a butterfly effect on their mental psyche in their growing ages and manifest its harmful ramifications all their life.
This is why it is always suggested that you must quit drugs before planning on having children. one of the very common questions asked from parents is can CPS make you go to rehab. Before answering this question, we must discuss Detox to Rehab. They were started to establish a society free from drug addiction.
Their team of experienced experts has been trained to deal with addictions of various kinds. Drug addiction is a disease and just like other diseases, it can be cured if the right treatment and attention are given to the patient. The experts of Detox to Rehab understand this and they support their patients in every step of this long trudge of atonement.
Losing the custody of the child due to drug addiction
For every parent, it is the worst nightmare to lose their child. The truth is, since an addict is a bad influence for the children and may hamper the prospects of children, CPS can take away the custody of children. The best way to keep your child’s custody is to atone yourself of the drug addiction. This will be possible if you take some help from rehab services.