From the name itself, you can understand that oral cancer is cancer that develops in any part of the mouth. This part may be your lips, tongue, gums, roof, and floor of the mouth or the inner tissues of the cheeks. Thousands of people are diagnosed with this every year in the United States, and it is predicted that nearly 10,000 people will die of oral cancer this year.
Although nearly 63% of mouth cancer patients stay alive during the first five years of getting cancer, it can be avoided overall by following specific oral hygiene tips and stopping the consumption of tobacco and smoking. If you want to know more and stay in Maryland, you can contact the Greenbelt general dentist.
Symptoms of oral cancer
- Sores in/on the mouth
You will notice that certain ulcer(s) in your mouth will not heal regardless of the medications you take for them. They are persistent for a long time, which is an indication of oral cancer.
- You feel uneasy swallowing food.
While swallowing food, you might feel the food is not passing easily through your esophagus (food pipe). You might also experience difficulty while speaking and moving your jaw.
- Lump formation in parts of your mouth
You might notice swelling in certain areas of your mouth, like lips, gums, or the inner walls of your cheeks.
- Unexplainable bleeding
Certain areas within your mouth might bleed for absolutely no reason.
- Pain in ear
Your ear might start paining all of a sudden. It is not necessary that both your ears need to ache at the same time. You might not even understand what is causing the pain.
- Patches inside your mouth
You might notice white or reddish patches inside your mouth that develop randomly.
Stages of oral cancer
Just like other types of cancers, oral cancer has three stages too. Based on these stages, you can understand its severity. They are:
- T, which signifies the size of the tumor
- N, which indicates if cancer has extended to your lymph nodes
- M, indicating whether the tumor has spread to the other organs in your body
The doctor might ask you to undergo a few tests to determine the medications and course of action for your treatment.
Who is most likely to be affected?
People who smoke and consume tobacco have higher chances of developing oral cancer. According to studies, people who drink a lot of alcohol and smoke have an incredibly high chance of getting mouth cancer.
Also, it is essential to remember that these symptoms and facts mentioned are just general information for you to keep an eye out for any potential signs. If you are worried about oral health, you should immediately consult a doctor for the best advice possible.