Over time, your skin could lose its firmness and suppleness. The natural fat layer just underneath the skin could reduce, causing your skin to become thinner, crepey, and less robust. If you couple it with sunlight exposure, pollutants, gravity, acne, and smoke, you may end up with skin that makes you appear years older. With the assistance of a skilled fillers Greenpoint Brooklyn specialist, you can regain your confidence and youth with smooth, plump, and attractive skin. Check out this post to explore the benefits of this minimally invasive anti-aging solution.
Instant and Noticeable Results
Unlike other minimally invasive treatments, you do not have to wait long to reap the advantages of the therapy. After a filler injection, the enhancement in your facial contours is instantly noticeable as it drastically smooths out creases and wrinkles on your skin, as well as adds volume. As the dermal filler settles beneath the skin, the full effects become apparent in several days.
No Downtime or Recovery Time Required
A dermal filler procedure could be as fast as 15 minutes based on the number of injections at your target location. Typically, you can have the treatment performed during a break from work and then return to your regular schedule.
Moreover, a dermal filler session does not call for surgery; thus, you will not have to deal with any post-operative scarring or recovery. The slight swelling you notice following the injections subsides fast (in two to three days) as it penetrates deep into the skin.
Reduced Risk
At the injection sites, dermal fillers might cause redness, edema, and minor bruising. These are temporary adverse effects that can be concealed with makeup for several days. Another concern is facial asymmetry, whereby one side of your face appears somewhat imbalanced from the other.
Nevertheless, this risk is linked to the skill and expertise of the individual administering your dermal filler injections. For this reason, it is critical to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon. At Brooklyn Dental Spa, the aesthetic specialists are professionals in this field, not forgetting they emphasize their patient’s comfort and safety.
Long-Lasting Outcomes
The kind of dermal filler utilized, the treatment areas, and the patient all influence how long the outcomes of your procedure endure. At Brooklyn Dental Spa, the experts employ Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring protein in the skin, as their dermal filler. The outcome of a single filler could last anywhere from six to twenty-four months.
Can Be Combined With Other Procedures
One of the most appealing aspects of dermal fillers is that they could be used with other procedures. When coupled with Botox injections, dermal fillers produce the smoothest and most natural-looking facial skin outcomes.
For more developed and noticeable wrinkles and fine lines, Xeomin and Botox are excellent additions. These treatments prevent your facial muscles from tightening and further deepening those wrinkles.
You feel better when you look nice. Find a solution that will address your desired aging concerns. Dermal fillers could help you look younger in a subtle manner. Your skin will be supple and smooth, and your facial contours will be healthier. Schedule a consultation with the trusted specialists at Brooklyn Dental Spa to obtain the natural and spectacular outcomes you have always wanted.