There are ample health problems that one faces due to excessive alcohol consumption. One of them is wet brain syndrome. It relates to permanent brain damage, if the person is consuming alcohol in large amounts for many years. The brain functions are affected forever and slowly the person feels less lively and is subjected to many kinds of severe health problems.
The wet brain from alcohol addiction can be treated successfully, if it is done at an earlier stage. The most important step to getting treated is getting in touch with a good rehab center like Detox to Rehab. Once you consult them and get treated for alcohol drinking addiction, then surely you can overcome the symptoms of wet brain health disorder. Unfortunately, if it is left untreated, then one may suffer severe health problems. The health issues occur in two stages.
The first stage is termed Wernicke encephalopathy:
- Your body balance and the coordination of movements become slow. The person walks slowly and in an abnormal way.
- The poor responsive reflexes. The muscles are weakened and the person feels fatigued most often.
- There is a change in heart rate.
- There is a lot of confusion in normal activities as the person isn’t able to think clearly.
At this stage, the person can be treated successfully. However, the major problem arises when the person needs to endure the suffering of next stage symptoms.
The Korsakoff psychosis:
- Total memory loss.
- Hallucination, agitation and anger becomes part of life.
- Vision problem.
- The person is unable to care for themselves.
To escape from enduring these risk factors, the best way is to stop consuming alcohol and increase the level of thiamine in your body. There is a need to intake proper nutritious food and doing regular exercise to keep mind and body healthy.