Just like nature brings everything together into perfect harmony, your health institution of choice should bring you all the health services you need under one roof for comprehensive treatment and your overall health. This is exactly what Broward Specialty Group brings to the table. They specialize in three distinct treatment plans. These treatments are urology, dealing with treatments like low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, pain management treatments like joint aches and back pains, and ear nose and throat (ENT), dealing with treatments for ear diseases, allergies, and turbinate reduction in Coconut Creek, Pompano Beach, and Delray Beach, Florida. Their men’s health department chooses explicitly to ensure that men, who are the lions in the world, are healthy enough to protect their own as nature intended. Two of the main issues, which are a heavy blow to all men and are handled by Broward Specialty Group, are explained below.
- Low Testosterone
Low testosterone is one of the major problems that can cause a man to feel less of a man and fall apart both mentally and physically. Testosterone is the main male hormone produced by the testes and stimulates the generation of the characteristics associated with men like sperm production, body hair, and muscle mass. When your levels of testosterone are low as a man, you can experience low sex drive, a decline in body mass, mood swings, fatigue, memory loss, concentration issues, erectile dysfunction, body hair loss, and development of male breasts. Some of the causes of low testosterone include diseases like HIV/AIDS, injury or removal of the testicles, aggressive treatments like cancer, unhealthy cholesterol levels, obesity, certain medications, and genetic conditions. When the testes are unable to produce enough testosterone, you suffer from a condition called hypogonadism. The good news is Broward Specialty Group offers several personalized treatment procedures depending on the underlying cause. The team of specialties begins by ensuring that the root cause of your problem is identified before embarking on a treatment plan. However, low testosterone is also treated through testosterone replacement therapy.
- Prostate Cancer
Statistics indicate that one in nine men gets prostate cancer in their lifetime. However, the condition is highly treatable if diagnosed in good time. The danger posed by prostate cancer is that the cancerous growth has the potential to spread and affect other parts of the body. Prostate cancer causes erectile dysfunction, blood in the urine, pain while urinating, painful ejaculation, and pelvic pain. The issue can be diagnosed through cancer screening tests, prostate biopsy, and ultrasound. Broward Specialty Group offers personalized treatments which could involve immunotherapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and active surveillance. Since prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of male deaths, it is advisable to watch out for the signs and get cancer screening immediately if a suspicious development occurs.
The world needs strong men to guide and protect its people. Without your proper male characteristics manifesting, your quality of life as a man is always diminished. However, there is a cure to almost all male conditions thanks to the highly-trained specialists in institutions like Broward Specialty Group and the advancements in the medical field. Do not let your condition define your manhood. Define it by taking control of your male health and visiting Broward Specialty Group today.