Healthy living is every person’s goal, and it plays the biggest part in living a happier life. However, maintaining a completely healthy lifestyle can be an uphill task for women because of how demanding their lives are and their biology, which puts them at a higher risk of health complications. Some of the risky health complications you may face as a woman include fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, abnormal bleeding, and infertility. Therefore, you require a doctor who not only looks to your immediate needs but also watches out for your future risks and can identify any underlying threats early enough. Ulas Bozdogan, MD, gives top-notch personalized treatments to all women’s conditions. He achieves this by offering people in Hackensack and New York myomectomy, hysterectomy, and other gynecological services. Let’s better understand these women’s conditions by looking at three of the most popular ones.
- Fibroids
Uterine fibroids describe muscle growths in the uterus that aren’t cancerous but can grow significantly. Most medics attach the cause of the growth to hormones or genetics, but the actual cause hasn’t yet been determined. Fibroids cause pain or pressure along your pelvic area, pain during intercourse, severe cramps during monthly periods accompanied by backaches and heavy bleeding, and can lead to miscarriages or infertility. Treatment plans vary depending on your doctor’s view, but the main procedures include hormone therapy, uterine artery embolization, and minimally invasive surgery or robot-assisted approaches. One of the best surgical systems currently in use is the da Vince surgical robot system, which guarantees maximum precision during the procedure.
- Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue is formed outside the uterus, and its size can change or vary depending on a person’s hormonal levels. The growth can occur on the fallopian tube, ovaries, or bowels. The main symptom of endometriosis is abdominal pain. Still, it can also cause blood in the urine or bowels, bleeding during intercourse, painful intercourse, severe cramps during periods, and can lead to infertility. The symptoms of endometriosis manifest most severely during periods. Endometriosis currently has no cure, but your specialist can take several measures to manage it depending on how severe the symptoms are and other considerations. Some of these measures include surgical removal of the growths, medication for the pain, hormone replacement therapy, and IVF.
- Ovarian Cyst
A sac filled with fluid can form on the ovary or around it, causing a condition referred to as an ovarian cyst. The condition is common to many women, and in many cases, some resolve themselves naturally. The fluid-filled sac grows to a small size and is removed by one or two menstrual cycles. However, the condition can develop into complications when the sac grows to a large size or persists. Ovarian cyst causes pain before periods, painful intercourse, sore breasts, and pelvic pain.
As a woman, challenges with your health might bring a significant blow to your overall life if not handled in time. Do not wait for complications to arise before you get checked. Ulas Bozdogan of the Advanced Endometriosis Center has unmatched experience in the field and guarantees your personified and effective treatment options. Visit or book an appointment with him today.