You might have used a massive product range in the market to de-puff your eyes, but obviously, they don’t always work. The only way to reduce the bag appearance is to bring essential changes. Make sure you are drinking water and applying cold compress to shrink the eye bags quickly. Here in this blog, we will share the things that need to be done to reduce eye bags.
Apply Tea Bags
Tea bags are helpful to keep under your eyes to get rid of dark circles and bags. Caffeine in tea contains powerful antioxidants which increase blood flow to the skin. It is helpful to protect against UV rays and slow down the aging process. Green tea is useful, and it has anti-inflammatory effects. All you need to do is steep two tea bags for 3-5 minutes. Let the bags chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes at least. Squeeze the extra liquid and apply it to the under-eye area. Leave the tea bags on your eyes for 15-30 minutes.
Use Cold Compress
If you want to get relief from dark circles, then use a cold compress and applying it to the area will help get temporary relief. Just get a cold compress at the store or choose DIY options such as a chilled teaspoon, cool cucumber, wet washcloth and bag of frozen veggies. Wrap your compress with a soft cloth to prevent the skin from getting too frosty.
Use Neti Pot
Well, most people think neti pot would help you remove eye bags. Neti pot would help you to remove under-eye bags and dark circles. It is a device that is filled with a saltwater solution. Just place it in your nose and irrigate sinuses and other debris. There are so many affordable neti pots available, and to try this method at home, make sure you use distilled or sterilized water to create a saltwater solution.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is the key to reducing under-eye bags, and for this, you need to increase your water intake. Water is a low-calorie option, and you shouldn’t be more worried about this. Take at least 2-3 liters of water daily, and if you don’t like the taste of plain water then infusing water with fruit would be the best option.
Apply Retinol Cream To Routine
You might have used so many creams in part, but a specific ingredient would only help get rid of eye bags. Retinol creams are used for dealing with a variety of skin issues such as acne, psoriasis, aging and certain cancers. It is related to vitamin A and comes in cream, gel or liquid form. Retinol helps with eye bags, and when it is applied to the skin, retinol improves collagen deficiency. It would help reduce this but make sure you have asked your dermatologists about stronger creams. Retinol should be applied once a day or about half an hour after washing the face. Don’t use retinol creams without a doctor’s recommendation.
Wear Sunscreen Daily
Sunscreen protects your skin to deal with all types of dermatological issues such as premature aging, skin cancer and discolouration. Sunscreen provides protection against UVA and UVB rays which is essential. It would help you to reduce under-eye bags and dark circles. Make sure you use a daily moisturizer of SPF 30 or maximum.
Keep Your Head Elevated While Sleeping
Try to keep your head elevated with extra pillows, and for this, use two or more pillows. The special wedge pillow is used for this, and it helps prevent the pooling fluid in the lower eyelids, which creates puffiness while you sleep. It would reduce the eye bags which are specifically made for this purpose.
Consume Collagen Rich Foods
When you get older, muscles and tissues support your weakened eyelids. It would make your skin saggy, including fat around the eyes. Increase the intake of vitamin C, which helps your body to absorb more hyaluronic acid. This acid is found in the body. Food should be consumed rich in vitamin C, and amino acids help with collagen production by boosting hyaluronic acid levels. Orange, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and strawberries.
Cut Back On Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol consumption can deteriorate your health, and if you are in alcohol addiction, you must have destroyed yourself physically or mentally. Whatever you consume would appear on the skin, and it causes dehydration. When the body has excessive dehydration, it causes eye bags and dark circles. People with alcohol addiction should consult rehab centers for recovery programs. The length of every program varies from person to person. The common length of substance abuse treatment varies from 7 days programs to 90-day programs, and it could be extended as per the condition of the addict. Don’t forget to ask officials of rehab centers about how long rehab lasts and what longer-term treatment programs will be included.
Eat Iron-Rich Foods
Iron deficiency is a condition where blood lacks red blood cells, and these cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues in the body. An iron deficiency would reduce dark circles under the eyes and pale skin. An iron deficiency causes extreme fatigue, cold hands and feet, brittle nails. If you are anemic, then do visit the doctor because they would do a blood test and suggest you get iron supplements. Increase dietary intake of iron by taking iron supplements or iron-rich foods such as red meat, seafood, beans, leafy green veggies, raisins, apricots, iron-fortified foods, peas and much more.
These are the few tips and tricks to help you reduce swelling and discoloration under the eyes. You all need to remain consistent, and once you notice the symptoms stick to a healthy routine because dark circles would go away only when you opt for a healthy lifestyle. Go to sleep early, and 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary despite the different routines.