Top 6 Habits That Harm Your Eyesight

Don’t look at the sun, don’t read while lying down, and don’t sit close to the TV – we’ve known all these dangers to eye health since childhood. However, the world does not stand still; technical progress is moving forward. And today, many other factors are provoking a deterioration in vision and causing the development of other eye problems. What are some of the worst habits that can worsen our eye health?

Habits That Harm Your Eyesight

Here is the list of habits you must avoid:

  1. Starting And Ending The Day With A Gadget In Hand

When people started talking openly about the dangers of long work behind a computer monitor, few people thought about it seriously. This is because, at that time, only a few could afford such products. Today we start our day by watching all kinds of applications and videos on a mobile phone, spend most of the day at work at a computer, and in the evening, we relax by reading an e-book. 

We practically never part with gadgets for a minute, and ophthalmologists consider this to be the most important cause of vision loss. Computer vision syndrome, manifested by burning eyes, pain in the frontal area, and temporary myopia, develops in 90% of users.

 The light emitted by the screens of electronic devices is no less harmful than the sun’s rays. In addition, while viewing, the eyes experience great tension. This, as a result, leads to atrophy of the accommodative muscles. Therefore, the habit of not letting go of the gadget can do you a disservice. From time to time, your eyes need to be given rest, or better yet, spend it doing eye exercises.

  1. Dependence On Alcohol and Drugs 

Along with coronavirus, the USA is also fighting the drugs epidemic. Almost all states of the US, including Texas, have a high rate of alcohol and drugs abuse. More and more people are dying because of this addition. You can identify an addict because of their red eyes because these harmful substances directly impact the eye muscles.

Substance abuse can interfere with the communication between the brain and the eyes. Thus, if left untreated, it can harm an addict’s vision. Only by getting rid of these substances can you deal with this problem. And to abandon this habit, what’s better than help from a rehab center?

Some of the nation’s best rehab centers are located in Houston, Texas.  At any Houston drug rehab center, you will surely get quality and affordable addiction treatment. So, get all information about these facilities today as this is the first big step towards a better future.

  1. Smoking Day and Night

Nicotine causes a sharp contraction of the vessels of the fundus, disrupting blood circulation and with its nutrition and delivery of oxygen to the tissues. As a result, a pathological disease forms in these tissues in the future, which causes the death of retinal cells and a drop in vision. 

According to statistics, cigarette lovers are 2.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with macular degeneration. But not only nicotine negatively affects the functioning of the eyes: other chemical components of tobacco are also harmful.

These mixtures cause premature cloudiness of the crystal and, as a result, cataracts develop. But even if you yourself do not have bad habits, but your family members have those, you are still at risk. Passive smokers are more likely to suffer from allergic conjunctivitis, which causes red eyes, watery eyes, and gritty eyes.

  • Misuse Of Contact Lenses

At one time, the appearance of contact lenses made a splash in ophthalmology, solving many problems associated with vision, but this joy was short-lived. More precisely, it was short-lived for those who were too lazy to read the instructions carefully before using the lenses. But even those who are familiar with it from time to time make mistakes that can cost them their sight. 

These include the habit of not taking them off before going to bed. The dense body of the contact lens blocks the access of oxygen to the outer side of the cornea. Due to it, it does not allow the eye to “breathe,” provoking the development of infection.

Habits, such as negligence of hygiene rules, using the glasses with unwashed hands, washing them with plain water instead of a special liquid, are very dangerous for the eyes. This is because bacteria can easily get into your eyes, which can cause conjunctivitis, erosion, corneal edema, etc.

  • Passion For 3D Films

The technological progress – three-dimensional cinema, which is so fond of the modern young generation, can harm your eyes. Bad habits, which include frequent viewing of films in 3D glasses, provoke the appearance of a variety of problems. These range from headaches and weakness to loss of consciousness. 

And the thing is that the illusion of the volume of objects provokes a serious load on the organ of vision and the brain. It is better to give up the habit of watching movies with special glasses too often to avoid such problems as dizziness, vomiting, increased pressure, and general fatigue.

  • Not Wearing Sunglasses

One of the most common mistakes is not wearing sunglasses. But those who protect their eyes from ultraviolet radiation in summer, and do not do this in winter, are at great risk. On sunny frosty days, they are needed even more since the snow acts as a powerful reflector of ultraviolet radiation. 

And this can lead to the development of a corneal burn, oncology of the skin of the eyelids, and the appearance of spots on the whites of the eyes. Counterfeit products protect our eyes from UVA and UVB rays and contribute to the excessive dose of radiation reaching the retina. Therefore, wearing a low-quality accessory is even more harmful than not wearing it at all.

Take Away

Like the rest of the body, your eyes need care equally. Thus, abandon the harmful habits that can impact your vision. In this article, we mentioned the most common ones, so quit them for better vision. So start taking care of your eye’s health from today!


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