Where Should You Take Your Woman’s Wellness Needs?

I recommend that you see obstetrics and gynecologist for your woman’s wellness needs. Obstetrics and gynecologists have trained to diagnose, manage, and treat women’s reproductive health issues. Obstetricians are the only doctors who specialize in pregnancy. Gynecologists specialize in diagnosing unnatural uterine conditions, pelvic pain, abnormal Pap smears, menstrual problems, and many others. Seeing Women’s Care experts is significant in enhancing your reproductive system functions well. Finding Obstetrics and gynecology care centers is substantial due to the following reasons.

Hormone Replacement Therapy 

Hormones are typical chemical messengers that tell the different parts of your body to function. When you’re engaged in hormone replacement therapy, also called HRT, these hormones act like the kind of hormones your body would typically produce. The hormone estrogen carries out the following functions, it controls the menstrual cycle, prevents osteoporosis and urogenital atrophy. It also promotes blood clotting to avoid excessive bleeding during menses, which may cause anemia. Estrogens are also responsible for promoting healthy sexual desire, vaginal lubrication, and normal sexual function. 

The progesterone hormone prevents post-menstrual flow and changes in your uterine lining. It also prevents pregnancy if given orally or injected.

HRT is used to treat several medical conditions such as muscle pain, anxiety, depression, memory loss, and the like. Women undergoing HRT after menopause is at a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and heart disease. These hormones protect you against osteoporosis because they help replace bone mass. They assist in building stronger bones, therefore, preventing osteoporosis. HRT promotes better sleep patterns by increasing the release of serotonin which is commonly referred to as the happy hormone

Intrauterine Device (IUD) Fitting

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small t-shaped object inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. There are various kinds of intrauterine devices available in the market today. The intrauterine device has a polyethylene plastic core covered with copper wire, which is flexible. 

The strings attached to the device allow you to check whether it is still in place or not. IUDs can be used for a maximum of 12 years, depending on the kind and brand of device you acquire. Most women can use an IUD for contraception for many years before it becomes ineffective.

Vaginal Revitalization

Vaginal rejuvenation has been defined as “the restoration of physical and psycho-emotional well-being in women who have experienced vaginal atrophy.” These results are caused by the reduction in estrogen during menopause. Vaginal rejuvenation can take place through hormonal or surgical means. 

Those experiencing vaginal discomfort due to vaginal atrophy can use topical estrogens, intrauterine devices, vaginal estrogen rings, estrogen hormone replacement therapy, or surgery. Surgery normally takes place when other treatments are not effective. It can also involve the application of radiofrequency energy to enhance the nature of the vaginal tissue.

Many women are unaware of the options for their reproductive health. The good thing is that obstetrics and gynecology specialists can address the most common conditions you could be having. They offer treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, intrauterine device fitting, and vaginal rejuvenation.


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