Why Do You Need Fixed Bridges?

There are many root causes for tooth loss, including gum disease, grinding or clenching the teeth, and unmet dental needs like fillings and extractions. Whatever the reason is that you’re in need of a fixed bridge, it will replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge spans across your mouth using two new teeth as anchors on each side of your gap to provide support.

In many cases, a bridge can be the best option from Antigo restorative dentistry. It’s durable and easy to maintain because its look is more natural than dental implants. Moreover, it can make you feel more comfortable and improve your appearance.

Here is why you should opt for a fixed bridge.

  • To prevent teeth shifting

A bridge, being a solid and immovable fixture, will keep the original position of your tooth intact. What’s more? When your teeth shift out of place, they can damage surrounding tissues in the gum-gum pockets, leading to bone erosion and gum recession. Teeth shifting is the most common cause of dental problems like a loose tooth or gum disease. So, if you’re looking for a long-term solution, you should consider fixed bridges.

  • To improve your ability to chew and eat

If you’ve lost a tooth and have an unstable jaw, chewing and eating can become very uncomfortable. The absence of the missing tooth will put stress on the remaining teeth, causing tooth shift and jaw misalignment. Fixed bridges will make chewing easier and more comfortable because they will stabilize your mouth and reduce the stress on the remaining teeth.

  • To enhance your appearance

Your appearance depends on your smile, and fixing a bridge will give you a beautiful and natural one. The bridge will bring back your original space and position so that the jaw will be in the normal position again. Moreover, it will make you feel more confident since it’s more natural than wearing dentures.

  • To improve your speech

By correcting your jaw alignment, a bridge will make speech more comfortable and natural. With a fixed bridge, your bite will be in the right place again, so you’ll have softer speech.

  • To maintain the shape of your face

When you lose teeth, you face a greater risk of developing sagging cheeks and a sunken facial appearance. A bridge can help you regain your youthful look. It will return your normal facial structure so that you’ll look young and attractive again.


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