Day: January 23, 2022


Back Pain: All You Need to Know

This year around 60 percent of the population is suffering from back pain. The severity varies based on an individual’s sensitivity. Many factors contribute to the causes of back pain. A sedentary lifestyle or bad posture contributes to more than half of the cases, whereas other health conditions are related. Back pain can disrupt your […]


Tips for Finding an Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists are physicians who are specially trained in administering medication for pain relief and sedation. They’re typically responsible for administering anesthesia during surgery at a carefully calculated rate to keep the patient comfortable while not rendering them unconscious or entirely out of touch with what’s going on around them. When you have surgery coming up, […]


Conditions Treated By Upper Extremity Specialists

Upper extremity specialists specialize in caring for patients with shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand conditions. Upper extremity specialists, also known as orthopedic surgeons and hand surgeons, complete four years of college and graduate from four years of medical school. They then complete a five-year residency in general surgery before specializing in orthopedics for an additional […]


Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine is a term that has been used in various ways. Some medical professionals use the term to refer to consultations via email, text messages, or live chat. In contrast, others use it for video chats, phone calls, or other electronic means of providing health care services. Telemedicine can be an essential part of routine […]


The Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. According to estimates, more than 200,000 people underwent such surgeries last year. It is often considered a safe procedure, and it brings desired results for many women who feel unhappy with their bodies. Even though liposuction is a standard procedure, there are many […]


Piriformis Syndrome: What Are the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options?

Piriformis is a small, tough muscle that runs from the top of your hip to the back of your thigh. It helps to rotate your leg outward when you run or walk. When this muscle goes into spasm, it can cause pain in other areas, such as the buttocks and outer thigh. The name piriformis […]