Day: August 18, 2023


Getting Teeth Whitening Services in Drexel Hill

Teeth whitening is a popular approach to improve smiles quickly and affordably, either professionally or at home. While it does give substantial improvement, it is not permanent and must be maintained. Consult a Drexel Hill dentist to discuss the causes of discoloration, treatment methods, hazards, and expenses.  Is it the same as bleaching? The FDA […]


What are the most common reasons for a broken tooth?

Usually, your teeth are quite durable and strong, and they can handle some extreme pressure while chewing, biting, and eating various items. However, an injury or trauma to your teeth may cause damage to them, and they may get cracked and fractured. Moreover, people who have a history of tooth decay, dental problems, and root […]


Most common symptoms of tooth decay

Tooth decay, commonly known as dental cavities or caries, is a common dental problem that can trigger pain and endanger your oral health. Identifying early indicators of tooth decay is decisive for fixing the malady before it worsens. Let’s have a look at the most common symptoms of tooth decay and some proactive actions to […]